Ehume Foundation is a seed we have planted for our children who are
being nurtured in the American way of giving. We want them to use
this avenue as the medium of connecting their roots to Ehume and of
networking with each other. The children will eventually take over
the process as volunteer, leaders, and motivators. Our goal is to
grow and nurture the process for them to take over within the next six
to ten years.
The First Annual Meeting of the Ehume Foundation, USA, was held in
Houston, Texas in the year 2000. The founding members all donated
to the education fund, and every cent went to repair schools in
Ehume. The Foundation also established the Golden Light Award to recognize
individuals who have made a sustained effort in the education of the
children of Ehume.
During the period leading up to the Second Annual Meeting, the
Foundation selected Mrs. Alma W. Cockrell
to be the first to receive the Golden Light Award.
The Second Annual Meeting was held in Greensboro, North Carolina, in
June 2001. More funds were collected from founding members to help
educate Ehume children. A highlight of this meeting was the
ceremony and celebration of the presentation of the first Golden Light
Award. This web site shows many pictures
from the event and the plaque awarded to
Mrs. Cockrell.
Ehume Foundation, USA, hopes to become a mainstream resource that
helps folks in Ehume and its neighbors. The Foundation needs: